Secretaria Municipal do Verde e do Meio Ambiente
Earth Charter
As a document the Charter was preliminarily discussed during the 1992 Rio Earth Summit and it was later written through a world-wide consultation process. The final text was taken on by the UNESCO in 2002 as a worldwide ethics code. The Charter originated a world movement with the goal of carrying out its principles.
The Earth Charter’s guidelines include respect and care for the community of life, ecological integrity, social and economic justice, democracy, culture of peace and non-violence.
In Sao Paulo, the Municipal Secretariat for Environment and the Municipal Secretariat for Education decided to join forces for disseminating the Earth Charter within the city’s education system.
Since 2009 UMAPAZ forms groups for the Earth Charter Action Programme, with the purpose of qualifying urban environmental agents. The programme is guided by the Earth Charter principles, developing and practicing each one of them and also making a regional action plan.
In 2010 UMAPAZ held several activities to promote the Earth Charter. To read the complete document, click here.
April 14th through July 21st, 2015
Opening Hours: 7pm to 10pm
Address: Av. Quarto Centenário, 1268 - Ibirapuera Park.
On foot: Gate 7A. Parking: Gate 7 - Av. República do Líbano.
Schedule: Available in Blog do Carta.
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