Secretaria Municipal do Verde e do Meio Ambiente

Portrait Gallery

Online Portrait Gallery


On May 2008, UMAPAZ created a portrait gallery in its headquarter’s entrance hall to honour and remember those who promote sustainable development and contribute to the construction of culture of peace, putting forward peaceful diversity and the recognition of differences in ways of living, beliefs and values, as well as mutual care, well-being and an equal sharing of the Earth’s resources among its inhabitants.

Our honorees are:


February 2011
Rabindranath Tagore

Born in Calcuta, India, Tagore studied Law in England from 1878 to 1880. He went back to his country in 1890 to run his family’s farms, and dedicated himself to the development of health and education projects and agriculture. With a philosophical formation, he creates a school in 1901 dedicated to teaching western and eastern culture and philosophy. Tagore participated in the Indian nationalist movement and was Mahatmas Gandhi´s personal friend.

November 2010
Leo Tolstoy


Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, one of the greateast of all times, was born in his family´s estate – Yasnaya Polyana – in September 9th, 1828 and deceased in the russian town of Astapovo, in November 20th 1910.


October 2010
John Lennon


John Winston Ono Lennon was born in Liverpool, England, on October 9th 1940. He was a musician, composer, writer and peace activist. John Lennon gained notoriety as founder of the Beatles, formed in 1960. By 1969, Lennon announced to his bandmates he was leaving the Beatles. In the same year, he married Yoko Ono, and together they used the repercussion of their marriage to promote peace.


August 2010
Aracy de Carvalho Guimarães Rosa

Aracy de Carvalho Guimarães Rosa worked at the brazilian embassy in Germany right before the Second World War. Disobeying strict orders from the Ministry of External Relations of Brazil, which denied entrance to Jewish people, she granted immigration visas to Jewish people, saving thousands from nazi imprisoning and the Holocaust. In the 60s, back in Brazil, she also protected those persecuted by the military regime, always defending human dignity above any particular interest and often risking her own safety.

May 2010
Dr Zilda Arns

Dr. Zilda Arns Neumann, pediatrician, public health worker, founder and director of the Pastoral da Crianca and the Pastoral do Idoso, organs for social action of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil.

January 2010
Paulo Freire

Educator Paulo Freire, great humanist and inspirer of our mission, was honored on January 2010. In the occasion of the tribute ceremony also occurred the opening of the exhibition “Paulo Freire – Educate to transform” composed by 18 photographs and the screening of a video documentary, containing testimonies and an interview with the honoree.


August 2009
Tatiana Belinky


One of the most important writers in Brazilian literature, Tatiana Belinky is honored for her contribution to the dissemination of essential values such as respect, love, friendship and cooperation, all fundamental principles for the construction of culture of peace.


May 2009
Herbert de Souza, Betinho


"Solidarity, friends, is not something you thank, is something you celebrate.”


February 2009
Dom Hélder Câmara

“Whenever there be a contrast between your hapiness and gray skies, or between your sadness and vivid skies, bless the disencouter, which is a divine reminder that the world does not start neither ends with you”


November 2008


“The time has come for every state to redefine global security, placing human rights at the centre of this debate”


Irena Sendler


“Each child saved through my help, with the assitence of admirable secret messengers who are no longer with us, is the reason for my existence on Earth, not the honours”


October 2008
Saint Francis of Assisi

Saint Francis of Assisi - “The peace you anounce with lips, you should have it in the heart”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

September 2008

Candido Mariano da Silva Rondon’s

“Die if necessary, but never kill.”

Villas-Bôas Brothers


“We brought the news that they [the Indians] constitute a tranquil, joyful society. There, no one tells the other what to do. The old one owns history, the indian owns the village and the children owns the world.” (Orlando Villas Bôas)

 Chico Mendes

“At first I thought I was fighting for the rubber tappers, later I thought I was fighting for the Amazon. Now, I realize I am fighting for humankind.”

 Marina Silva

“In order to save the planet, first we must become aware that it is not enough to change our inadequate technologies or the inadequate use we are making of natural resources. Instead, we must change our inadequate attitude towards technology and natural resources and perceive ourselves as a form of existence which depends on other forms of existence. When we start perceiving ourselves like that, we will certainly make fewer mistakes, and we will need to correct less and caution more.”


July 2008

 Nelson Mandela

“I dream of the day when everyone will rise up and understand that we were made to live as brothers.”


June 2008
Martin Luther King

“We have learnt to fly as birds and swim as fishes, but we still haven’t learnt to live together”


May 2008

Chiara Lubich

“Whoever is close to me was created with a gift for me and I was created with a gift for whomever is close to me. On Earth everything is in a loving relationship with everything: each thing with each thing. But it is necessary to live with love to find that golden thread between beings”.