Secretaria Municipal de Direitos Humanos e Cidadania

About the Secretariat


The Municipal Secretariat of Human Rights and Citizenship (SMDHC) was created in 2013. Its mission is to improve the articulation and transversal management of human rights and social participation policies in the city of São Paulo.


The Secretariat’s structure is composed by coordinations and departments which are in charge of 12 different themes: Women, Racial Equality, Children and Adolescents, Youth, Elder, LGBTI, Education on Human Rights (with subdivisions on the issues of the Right to the Memory and the Truth, Right to the City and Social Dialogue), Immigrants and Promotion of Decent Work, Homeless People, Public Policies on Drugs, Family Localization and Missing People and Municipal Human Rights Ombudsman.

The Municipal Secretariat of Human Rights and Citizenship aims to:

I – to formulate public policies for the promotion and defense of human rights and citizenship, through articulated action with municipal, state and federal public entities;
II – to elaborate and coordinate the municipal human rights policy, observing the guidelines of the National Human Rights Program, the Federal Constitution and the international covenants which Brazil is a signatory;
III – to articulate initiatives and support projects aimed at promoting and defending human rights at the municipal level, both by government entities and civil society organizations;
IV – to elaborate projects and programs that promote the formation of a more fairer society, presenting proposals that guarantee the equality of conditions, social justice and the valorization of diversity;
V – to establish partnerships with public and private entities, national and international, with a view to promoting projects aimed at the realization of human rights, citizenship and social participation, in the areas related to their attributions.